It was to my wonderful surprise this evening when I stop by to see Eric and he presented me with my camera! Apparently I had wrapped it up in my dress shirt and stored it in his car before heading to the Pike on Monday night to continue the festivities. It was only today while cleaning his car that Eric made the discovery. Thank you Eric!
So I made the determination that I had made a wise choice in storing my camera in his truck versus taking to the Pike. However, a crucial point of that decision was forgotten and that point is being able to recall said decision. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the wonderful wine served at the show.
So it is with great excitement that I am able to post a few shots from the...
Wetlands Day Gathering at the 4th Street Gallery
Many laughs were shared by everyone throughout the night
Timothy Dunham, one of the contributing photographers
And of course the lovely Adrienne who helped put this show together...
Many Thanks to all the others who helped, You guys are awesome!
For more information about Lagoon or any of the contributing photographers or Sponsors just drop us an email at or visit and we'll get back to you.
It was a great way to kick off all the amazing changes going on at the Lagoon, Come check it out!!
With many smiles,
Thank goodness you have your camera again! Phew!